Traccar Server 6.5 loading firsh launch in web mobile chrome and traccar manager

ghiltea4 months ago

WhatsApp Image 2024-11-06 at 19.56.36_32c403b3.jpg
Please Help me, i small knowlage Programe java !

ghiltea4 months ago

how do I solve it, I tried using the demo link and others still the same in chrome or traccar manager can't be opened, can it be fixed on the ol.js side which is already installed on the server without having to recompile it, thank you in advance

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

Are you saying you see this if you open a demo server in chrome? Then you probably have some some browser issues.

ghiltea4 months ago

Yes, that's right, I downloaded it via Playstore and I tried to open it via Chrome on my cellphone, then I tried installing Traccar server on my localhost, the result was the same, please help, thank you

ghiltea4 months ago

I planned to apply it to my company but after I tried version > 6.* everything was the same as loading via the mobile page

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

Please provide a screen recording with Chrome and the demo server attempt. And also include the Chrome version number.

ghiltea4 months ago
Anton Tananaev4 months ago

Your Chrome version is very old. It's from 2019. That would explain the problem, of course.

ghiltea4 months ago

Thank you master, after I updated the chrome it can now run, it's amazing, good luck