Traccar No Bin Folder in /opt/traccar/ directory

Rabi Gurung5 years ago


I followed the steps outlined in the link below.

I have installed MySQL succesfully and started installing the Traccar.
I noticed that there were no "bin" directory in my "/opt/traccar" directory.
I am not too sure why is there no bin folder after running the Traccar installation command?

My OS is Ubuntu 18.04.4, and here are my command lines.

zippy246@iorncurtain:$ sudo unzip traccar-linux-*.zip
  inflating: README.txt

zippy246@iorncurtain:$ sudo ./
Creating directory out
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing traccar  100%

zippy246@iorncurtain:$ nano traccar.xml

zippy246@iorncurtain:$ sudo cp traccar.xml /opt/traccar/conf/

zippy246@iorncurtain:$ sudo /opt/traccar/bin/
sudo: /opt/traccar/bin/ command not found

zippy246@iorncurtain:$ ls /opt/traccar/
conf  data  jre  lib  logs  schema  templates  tracker-server.jar  web

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

I would recommend to read the documentation a bit more careful. There is a link to this page:

Hello, the documentation shown on the page is only for Linux or it also works with Windows

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

There is documentation for Windows. Have you tried searching?

Friend if I have looked for information to perform the installation in windows but I have not had much luck, in general they always use linux, do you think you can make the connection with a server if I install ubuntu in a virtual machine in Windows