Traccar Manager switching servers

nbl12687 days ago

Hi team, got a small set up, two prod traccar servers, and one test server, different hostnames/IPs, and occasionally access the demo server/s.
I can change the server address in the manager app, via that padlock on home page, bu retyping in the full server details.
Wondering if there is an options (that i havent found yet) to store each server setting in the app, can just switch between those servers?
OR if there is some better way to do this?

Anton Tananaev7 days ago

If you want to update the preset servers, you would have to change the source code.

nbl12687 days ago

Thanks Anton, okay, so more coded needed to add option in the app to save server settings and make them available to select between?

Anton Tananaev7 days ago
