Traccar Manager works exactly the same as your browser, so if URL works in browser, the same URL should work in the Manager app as well.
I totally agree with you!!
In My PC I can open the new site ""without problem.
the old site was".
When I desinstall traccar manager from android and reinstall agin, the app do not ask me the URL to type,
it is only sa that have timed out to access my old site.
Do not have any shield to change it
Please, how I do to change?
You have to go into the app manager and clear app data from there.
Thanks, it was work!
I have more a simple question:
I had a "traccar web server" and "traccar manager" working OK.
I need to change my URL:8082, so I unistall "traccar manager" and install again to have the option
to give a new URL to the app connect.
But, after I install it, the app give a white page and after some minutes a message:
"it is not possible conect on web page on address http:....:8082 because net:ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT".
My question is how put traccar manager working looking the new URL.(Sorry, I do not find the solution yet...)
Best regards