Traccar Client not showing in demo

hje9 years ago

Hi There

I downloaded the client app to my Nexus 5 and followed the instructions but its not showing in the demo. The user name is HJE. The device identifier is 358240055213391. The client status screen says:

5:01pm - Service created
5:01pm - Connectivity change
5:01pm - Connection succeeded
5:04pm - preference update
5:04pm - preference update
5:14pm - Connectivity change
5:14pm - Connectivity change
5:14pm - Connectivity change
6:41pm - Connectivity change
6:41pm - Connectivity change

Ideas ?


hje9 years ago

oops. My bad. Works much better when location services are enabled in the phone.Doh.

Application looks great.


Anton Tananaev9 years ago

I guess I need some popup saying that location services are disabled and possibly forward user to the phone settings.

hje9 years ago

Hi Anton,

Perhaps. On the other hand, an update to the documentation site would work just as well. I am also guessing that the average mug user, like me, will look at the support forum and find posts like this.

All the best
PS Well deserved donation is on its way.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Thanks for the donation.