Traccar backend 5.5 with frontend 6.2

Giovannic6 months ago

Is there any problem if I use Traccar backend 5.5 with the modern interface 6.2? The question arises because I am going to make modifications to the modern frontend, but the source code on GitHub is version 6.2. Where can I find the appropriate version? Why don’t I update to version 6.5? I have had problems with versions 6.X where the devices freeze and show delays of up to 12 hours. I had to revert to version 5.5, and all the devices work fine.

Track-trace6 months ago

Already seems to be solved in 6.5

Giovannic6 months ago

Hello track-trace, I have had problems since I updated to version 6.1. Then I tried 6.2 and so on up to 6.5. From 6.1 to 6.4, only devices using the gt06 protocol froze, but now with version 6.5, the problem has extended to gps103 protocols. The only thing that has worked for me is reverting to version 5.5.

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

You can find all versions and source code for them on GitHub, so I don't understand what you mean by

but the source code on GitHub is version 6.2