Traccar and SmartWatch

xizoaziz9 years ago

Hi all

did any one try to install Traccar Client to SmartWatch ? can we do it ? and if yes which device you used .

Best Regards

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Currently smart watches work only with connected smartphone, so there is not much point as you can just run Traccar Client on the phone directly. But next generation of watches can work without smartphone and it would make much more sense to have a special app for them. Not sure if regular phone app would work on those.

xizoaziz9 years ago

i found this App here

is that official Traccar Client ?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago
xizoaziz9 years ago

ok , thanks Anton .

could you please suggest a GPS smartWatch that can work with Traccer server protocols ?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Wait, I think there is some misunderstanding. What kind of smartwatch are you talking about?

xizoaziz9 years ago

sorry for the delay , first i was asking about smartWatch just like sony or apple ,motorola or cheapest one to install Traccar client on it .

but now i'm looking for GPS watch just like :

that can deal with Traccar server to sue it to track persons , kids .

so please could you suggest one that can work with Traccer server ?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Apple watch definitely won't be able to run Traccar Client. Android-based watches might be able, but I'm not sure.

As forsport watches, they don't have GSM module to send data to the server.

There are some Chinese watches that are compatible with Traccar. Something like this:

Eagle 219 years ago

Great! I order this A688 and cant wait to receive it and register it to Traccar service.

pmc20059 years ago

hello anton which port handles this clock and protocol, so that more can be connected to the traccar in terms of watch

and if you have a small configuration manual for this device

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I don't have configuration manuals for anything. As for port, you should check this page:

Michael Freitter7 years ago


exist an Traccar App for Android Wear 2.0 (Huawei Watch 2.0)

Thank you!

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

There are no official apps for watch OSes at the moment.

Han Wer6 years ago

If anyone is interested I installed successfully the Traccar-Client onto the Laipac watch.