Where can I find an example for it ?
What device are you using?
Some of the example additional data that you are mentioning, is it possible to save using config file ( ie: IP address)
Some other info must come from accessories plugged to the device ( ie: temp, humidity). In order to be able how this can be done, please refer your device and accessories / sensors.
Maybe with that info I can give you some details / examples.
Ok, I am using RPi 3 that I get data from multiple sensors and live view from camera.
What I actually what ;
Send all sensor data with gps location data and also I want to include live view of camera, I can give a link for live view such as ;
Is it possible to embed live camera view to the front end of Traccar page, a small square iframe or something !
So far I can send all the GPS data to traccar server and all works fine.
Additionally I want to store other sensor datas (Temperature, Humidity, IP of RPi 3, Hostname of RPi 3 and all other sensors..
Thanks in advance
Hi Erneto,
any news about examples ?
Thanks in advance
hi: are you still looking for live stream options? How do you propose to capture the video?
and yes it is possible to embed a live stream into a web page, I can offer you some help.
Hello guys,
is it possible to save additional data for tracked device, for example Temperature, Humidity, IP, Hostname, vs...
Thanks in advance