Traccar 6.1 on QNAP NAS - restart problem

nelik198710 months ago

Hi, i just install new wersion of traccar 6.1 on my NAS.
After installation everything works fine. I can register a new user and the server runs at MY_IP:18082
If I stop the server via
/etc/init.d/ stop
and run
/etc/init.d/ sart again
the page MY_IP:18082 no longer runs. I'll add that I don't even change the configuration file

the only thing I found was this entry in the log

2024-05-18 08:08:24  INFO: Update summary generated
2024-05-18 08:08:24  INFO: Successfully released change log lock
2024-05-18 08:08:24  INFO: Command execution complete
2024-05-18 08:08:29  WARN: Port disabled due to conflict - Address already in use - BindException (...)
2024-05-18 08:08:29  WARN: Port disabled due to conflict - Address already in use - BindException (...)
2024-05-18 08:08:29  WARN: Port disabled due to conflict - Address already in use - BindException (...)
2024-05-18 08:08:29  WARN: Port disabled due to conflict - Address already in use - BindException (...)
2024-05-18 08:08:30  INFO: jetty-11.0.20; built: 2024-01-29T21:04:22.394Z; git: 922f8dc188f7011e60d0361de585fd4ac4d63064; jvm
2024-05-18 08:08:30 ERROR: Main method error - port out of range:1118082 - IllegalArgumentException (... < WebServer:223 < Main:126 < *:110)
2024-05-18 08:09:00  INFO: [T06d9e659] connected

I expect that the problem is in port 1118082 and should be 18082
How to solve it?

nelik198710 months ago

I will only add that the server itself is probably working because the logs show how the devices are connecting, but the website is not working

2024-05-18 08:39:46  INFO: Update summary generated
2024-05-18 08:39:46  INFO: Successfully released change log lock
2024-05-18 08:39:46  INFO: Command execution complete
2024-05-18 08:39:50  WARN: Port disabled due to conflict - Address already in use - BindException (...)
2024-05-18 08:39:50  WARN: Port disabled due to conflict - Address already in use - BindException (...)
2024-05-18 08:39:50  WARN: Port disabled due to conflict - Address already in use - BindException (...)
2024-05-18 08:39:51  WARN: Port disabled due to conflict - Address already in use - BindException (...)
2024-05-18 08:39:53  INFO: jetty-11.0.20; built: 2024-01-29T21:04:22.394Z; git: 922f8dc188f7011e60d0361de585fd4ac4d63064; jvm
2024-05-18 08:39:53 ERROR: Main method error - port out of range:118082 - IllegalArgumentException (... < WebServer:223 < Main:126 < *:110)
2024-05-18 08:39:57  INFO: [T88dd4a4c] connected
2024-05-18 08:40:40  INFO: [Tc97c1fc9] connected
2024-05-18 08:40:40  INFO: [Tc97c1fc9: teltonika <] 000f333537353434333739383330323233
2024-05-18 08:40:40  WARN: Unknown device - 357544379830223 (
2024-05-18 08:40:40  INFO: [Tc97c1fc9: teltonika >] 00
2024-05-18 08:40:41  INFO: [Tc97c1fc9] disconnected
2024-05-18 08:40:50  INFO: [T8be68eb5] connected
2024-05-18 08:43:30  INFO: [T8be68eb5: h02 <] 2a48512c393137303639343734352c56312c3036343332392c562c353432302e393934302c4e2c30313833342e383236392c452c3032332e33342c3232332c3138303532342c46464646424246462c3236302c30322c35343030312c363039343323
2024-05-18 08:43:30  WARN: Unknown device - 9170694745 (
2024-05-18 08:44:10  INFO: [T88dd4a4c: h02 <] 2a48512c393137303831393236332c56312c3036343430392c562c353432312e303530372c4e2c30313833342e383835302c452c3030352e34332c3030302c3138303532342c46464646424246462c3236302c30322c35343030312c363039343323
2024-05-18 08:44:10  WARN: Unknown device - 9170819263 (
2024-05-18 08:45:40  INFO: [T934e0d21] connected
2024-05-18 08:45:40  INFO: [T934e0d21: teltonika <] 000f333537353434333739383330323233
2024-05-18 08:45:40  WARN: Unknown device - 357544379830223 (
2024-05-18 08:45:40  INFO: [T934e0d21: teltonika >] 00
2024-05-18 08:45:40  INFO: [T934e0d21] disconnected
Anton Tananaev10 months ago

How did you install it?

nelik198710 months ago