Traccar 3.13 fail to start with mysql

Parth7 years ago

Hello Anton,

I have setup the traccar 3.13 on my windows server with my existing mysql database. The new setup working fine.
But when I build the traccar 3.13 from netbeans, without any changes. I started the new server with mysql.
server started without any error, but fail to loin to server with any existing user(including admin).
But when I create new user and login from new user is working fine.

Please help me out.

Parth7 years ago

Error Message:

Unknown account - SecurityException (PermissionsManager:216 < *:379 < SessionResource:103 < ...)
Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Are you sure you are talking about version 3.13 and not "master" branch?

Parth7 years ago


Below is the link from where we are using the source code for traccar 3.13:

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

That's a master branch which is NOT 3.13! Here is the code for 3.13: