Tracar Notifier - Push notifications for Pushover and Telegram, with support for add-ons

Fmstrat6 years ago

Traccar is an amazing app, and since the dev (rightfully so) doesn't want to include certain notification systems, I thought I'd build a companion app to support some of the notification types I use and I see others requesting.

Traccar Notifier is a node app/docker container to enable push notifications from Traccar to multple platforms.

Currently supported platforms:

  • Pushover
  • Telegram

It's pretty straight forward to use, just add the forwarding setup to traccar.xml:

    <entry key="event.forward.enable">true</entry>
    <entry key='event.forward.url'>http://traccar-notifier:3080/api/v1</entry>

And then edit the config.yml for Tracar Notifier:

  enabled: true
  user: fdfa903af04gjdfkadsf93fafjfie9
  token: kafaaf9390efaffslepea09dsf9fkf

  enabled: true
  chat_id: 999999999
  token: 999999999:Afifefaadoieoaaa_aefFEFFDfjadfkaeee

Full setup instructions, including how to get a Telegram Bot if you so choose can be found at:

Fmstrat6 years ago

P.S. If anyone has a request for another notifier, just let me know.

Matz Borsch5 years ago

hi, i installed traccar-linux-arm-4.8 on my raspberry pi .
Now i try to enable/activate push notification via pushover.

setup traccar.xml was fine ..
but now, i dont know where i can find the file config.yml
I did not have such file in my traccar folder/ subfolders

can you support me?

Izu Umeji2 years ago

Any specific instructions for pushover notification setup in demo server instance. Please help!

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

You can't configure it on the demo server, but you can use our own push notifications.