Under the user account i can see the field. I need to push the button to create the one time password.
Then when i login with the user account it requests the one time password code.
Any idear what i am missing trying to make this work ?
Had to create more replies otherwise the traccar forum does not accept my images.
I understand that idear discribed in your link.
I input the email and password and click on login.
Then the One time password Code window is presented.
Then i wonder how the user should have received the code, through email ? An email is not received
And when i type the one time password code shown in the user account (since i created it as admin) i noticed that i can type the numbers but when i type the Letters the login button is greyed out (tested on both Chrome, Edge and Firefox).
It sounds like you haven't read the page. It's a standard for one time passwords. You have to use apps like Google Authenticator.
The code should be only digits, so that's why login is greyed out. That's absolutely expected.
Ok got it now.
You actually need to use the One Time password key from the account to insert it in the Authenticator. Then with the time based key from the Authenticator you can login by inserting it in the login field when it requests the one time password code. That solved it. Thanks Anton.
On 5.10 which i downloaded below i tried to enable totp.
First i enabled my email in /conf/traccar.xml
As admin i added the attributes:
Enable One time Password
Force One time password
Then i saved it and under /traccar/server we can see both enabled.