I reset the hours to "0". The only issue is the formatting of the total distance in accumulators which is not very pleasing to the eye (with 9 digits after the decimal point).
I drove my car for about 30 minutes or so, and the Hours on the Accumulators changed to 2050. I assume it's in seconds since dividing by 60 is 34 (which is close to the number of minutes I drove).
What number are you talking about? What's in the database?
I set "Hours" to 0 and started driving. After about half an hour of driving, this is what I got:
I belive the number is being reported in seconds, not hours... It's possibly a formatting issue.
I don't know where in the database it is stored. I assume it's in tc_positions, but not sure what query you want me to run to get you the relevant data.
You can find the position id in the devices table.
Here is a link to the tc_positions for the device (without latitude,longitude,altitude):
And how would I know which device we're talking about?
It's for the device in question (where deviceid=4).
For anyone interested in this topic, I modified modern/src/settings/AccumulatorsPage.js
value={(item.hours / (1000 * 60)).toFixed(0)}
and multiply by 1000 * 60 when value is changed:
onChange={(event) => setItem({ ...item, hours: Number(event.target.value) * (1000 * 60) })}
Also, created a new label "positionMinutes; since the resulting value is in minutes:
value={distanceFromMeters(item.totalDistance, distanceUnit).toFixed(2)}
I am not a javascript or React programmer. This is what I could come up with. Cheers!
Which table holds the data?