TK103b gps not working

hari8 years ago

Hello everyone ,
I bought a TK103b read the manual 3-4 times so to be sure i dint forgot something and begin the setup .
When i call the devices is sending a sms with some details. The problem is the GPS location is not changing (the one showing is somewhere in China) . Every time is the same destination.
Can any help solving this.
Sorry if this is answered before am tottaly new to this equipment/sms think .

Best regards.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Are you testing it outdoors? For GPS to work device has to have a clear sky visibility.

hari8 years ago

Yeap outdoors .Crystal clear sky .

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

It can take up to 15 minutes to get a fix. If it doesn't work even after 15 minutes, I guess there is some issue with your device.

hari8 years ago

Ok i will wait some more time i guess .
Is there any sms command to send and the device to reply back location without calling it ?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I'm sure there is, but you need to check manual or ask device vendor for it.