TK103A, GPRS OFF - How to fix it?

blickbox9 years ago

I have the samne problem as first post...

begin123456 / begin ok!
apn123456 internet / apn ok!
Adminip123456 147.84.xx.xx 5002 / adminip ok!
gprs123456 / gprs ok!
Power: ON
Battery: 100%
GPS: on
Door: OFF
GSM: 31
Oil: 0.00%

I tried both URL and IP, it won't connect to GPRS regardless. SIM-card works fine in other device...

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

I think there are possible reasons:

  1. Device is faulty
  2. Device config is incorrect

In either case I would recommend to contact device vendor.

If you find a solution, please share it here.

Bahasa eldin9 years ago

Me to have the same problem
Add set ever & port py SMS
And stI'll offline

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

You can try to follow instructions on this page:

But it might be just the tracker issue or you haven't configured it correctly (e.g. APN).

Abdurrahman8 years ago

in order to configure your TK 103
for older versions, all commands must be typed in small letters :(

for later versions , it doest matter

I can See the command " Adminip ............ " begins with a capital letter this could be the reason

try " adminip .... " instead of " Adminip...."

Abdurrahman8 years ago

some other reasons your tracker isnt online
1- you entered a wrong IMEI number make sure you have entered the numbers without spaces after or before it
hint to get your IMEI number send " imei123456" where 123456 is the device password
2-you fogot to send " gprs123456" command
3- you entered the wrong IP address or port number
4- you SIM card doest have interne surfing plan

jimmy toloza8 years ago

hola se tiene que poner en modo tracker "tracker123456"
luego enviar el comando "gprs123456,0,0" para tcp o gprs123456,1,1 para udp

MoroccoDev8 years ago


i have the save problem as blezjer my config Tk103 gps config is :

this is the settings I use:
begin123456 / begin ok!
apn123456 / apn ok!
Adminip123456 5002 / adminip ok!
gprs123456 / gprs ok!
Power: ON
Battery: 100%
GPS: on
Door: OFF
GSM: 31
Oil: 0.00%

and the device is offline on the web application, the internet work if i change the ip and port to the defaults platforme, it work.

there is nothing in the log file, i tried to change the port to 5002 nothing change

help plz (sorry for my english)

Rocio Tabales 7 years ago

I fix sometimes send gprs123456,1,1

Turbovix6 years ago

A tip to all of you, the module can be configured to work with both TCP and UDP, so follow the settings.

Command: gprs123456 0,0 (the module works with TCP)

Command: gprs123456 1,1 (the module works with UDP)

Using OI APN ( in Brazil, GPRS only activates using TCP configuration

Darius5 years ago

Hello, i just instal the tracker TK103 A, and when i check

GSM Signal:27
IP: 7700
Status : not enable

It s show device OFF
If i send sms, i receive mesage with location
Any ideea?