TK102-2 original doesn't show altitude in server

jriemke9 years ago


I startet the traccar server successful on my mac and got data from the TK102-2 with port 5006 und the xexun protocol. But the altitude is displayed with 0 in the interface window!

Then looked up the protocol an translated them in the hex editor:

16070622XXXX,+49179243XXXX,GPRMC,201745.451,A,5336.7802,N,01300.7346,E,0.10,196.81,060716,,,A*62,F,, imei:01394900539XXXX,04,6.0,F:3.97V,0,139,35783,262,07,4FXX,08XX
(I have crossed some data....)

This looks exactly as the xexun protocol have to look, the altitude is displayed but nnot shown in the server window. Whats wrong?

Can you please help me, thank you for your thoughtfulness


Anton Tananaev9 years ago

OK, this is a very good question. There are two versions of Xexun protocol out there:

  1. Original one where a binary checksum is appended to an ASCII message. I guess whoever developed it, didn't know much about TCP and how it works. Basically, it makes it impossible to properly decode frames, so the only option, as far as I can tell, is to decode fragment of every message from GPRMC header to IMEI number.

  2. Seems like after they realized the issue, they removed the binary checksum. So later versions of Xexun don't have this problem.

If you have one of the latter, you can enable full message decoding using following flag in the config file:

<entry key='xexun.extended'>true</entry>
jriemke9 years ago


thank you very much, that worked. Now I have all data I need available.

Last think I needed to know is, how I could export the data to excel.....

With kind regards


Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Traccar doesn't support exporting data at the moment.