tk02 not working and cant find correct port or protocol

Lucas-nogue2 months ago

i have a tk02 tracker, im trying to connect it to my server that i have alredy working with one other devise in the 5001 port, i create the device and configure everything via sms but cant get a conection to the server, when i put it in the 5001 port as said in the protocol identification guide and check the logs with grep looking for the imei i only see this:

2025-01-22 00:13:15  INFO: [T1e6621bf: gps103 <] (038580701838BP05351238580701838250122A3434.7876S05833.9025W005.6001124258.0500000000L00000000)
2025-01-22 00:13:42  INFO: [T09fabf58: gps103 <] (038580701838BP05351238580701838250122A3434.7813S05833.8739W000.0001319268.8700000000L00000000)
2025-01-22 00:13:50  INFO: [T09fabf58: gps103 <] (038580701838BP00351238580701838HSO04E0S08G32)

the imei for the device is "351238580701838"
the tracker should work because i bought it 2 days ago
i need to know if the port/protocol is correct and if not what should i use, if it is correct what do you recomend?

Anton Tananaev2 months ago