Timezone attribute in Traccar for correcting device timestamps

Hamza9 months ago

I've been struggling to set the correct time on my device in Traccar, but it continues to send incorrect timestamps. I've considered adding a timezone attribute to the device settings. Here's my scenario:
For Example
My device is sending data in GMT+8.
I want to set the timezone attribute in device attribute to GMT+5:00.
I set the timezone to GMT+5:00, will it convert the time to GMT+5:00?

I appreciate any insights or experiences with similar issues. Thank you!


Hamza9 months ago
<entry key='time.override'>serverTime</entry>

Through adding these successfully corrected the device's time. However, I noticed that after this adjustment, the device stopped updating its position.

Has anyone else experienced a similar issue? If so, could you provide any insights or solutions that worked for you?