I wrote a few words about the problem in the other topic: https://www.traccar.org/forums/topic/lbs-functions-in-traccar/#post-69564
Protocol is described here and probably Traccar decodes data properly: https://www.traccar.org/protocol/5013-h02/h02_cantrack_secumore.pdf
But sometimes strange problem occurs. Look at the example:
2023-10-26 19:31:07 INFO: [T5a35b82d: h02 <] 2a48512c3836353230353033393630393338322c56332c3032323033302c32363030332c30362c3035333430322c3035353538312c3134352c2d37352c3035333430322c3035353537312c3134342c2c3035333430322c3034373633312c3133392c2c3035333430322c3034373633332c3133372c2c3035333430322c3035363331312c3133372c2c3035333430322c3035343838312c3133352c2c303241442c302c582c3033313130352c4646464646424646230d0a
2023-10-26 19:31:07 INFO: [T5a35b82d] id: 865205039609382, time: 2005-11-03 03:20:30, lat: 50.46360, lon: 18.81886, course: 0.0
Data are decoded correctly based on documentation, and decoder shows time and date as above:
On the same device from different LBS data:
2023-10-26 19:35:28 INFO: [Tc24b8656: h02 <] 2a48512c3836373233323035313031343030302c56332c3137333532302c32363030362c30322c3030323032382c3032373836382c3133372c2d38332c3030323032382c3032373731352c3133362c2c303241442c302c582c3236313032332c4646464646424646230d0a
2023-10-26 19:35:28 WARN: Geolocation network error - Cell not found (1) - GeolocationException (OpenCellIdGeolocationProvider:59 < *:46 < ...)
Cell not found, but when decoded:
The following information can be read from the above: time: 2023-10-26 17:35:20 - so the time and date are correct.
So where is the source of the problem with time in the first example? Operator sends incorrect data (Orange vs Play) or the GPS tracker decodes incorectly time information?
Can it be corrected in any way in Traccar?
I wrote a few words about the problem in the other topic: https://www.traccar.org/forums/topic/lbs-functions-in-traccar/#post-69564
Protocol is described here and probably Traccar decodes data properly: https://www.traccar.org/protocol/5013-h02/h02_cantrack_secumore.pdf
But sometimes strange problem occurs. Look at the example:
Data are decoded correctly based on documentation, and decoder shows time and date as above:
On the same device from different LBS data:
Cell not found, but when decoded:
The following information can be read from the above: time: 2023-10-26 17:35:20 - so the time and date are correct.
So where is the source of the problem with time in the first example? Operator sends incorrect data (Orange vs Play) or the GPS tracker decodes incorectly time information?
Can it be corrected in any way in Traccar?