Thanks for being there Traccar

Yukinarija9 years ago

Hey there,

I've been messing around with Traccar for a long time with my Xexun GPS tracker unit, and I just wanted to thank you for all the great software. I had my issues whilst changing from local database, to MySQL - but I decided to just stick with local. The issues were primarily because of 'invisible' accounts, that were still in local - but weren't in MySQL. But maybe that's fixed now? I will check one day.

Also I did a little tutorial of how to setup a Xexun XT-011 (I think its actually an XT009) - while using Traccar as a base, some nice screenshots of Traccar in there as well - hopefully to attract some attention.

I actually suggested to people to get a free account on my server, and whilst my blog usually has 0 traffic, maybe it will be useful to somebody eventually and will help attract more attention, and eventually funding for you. My little article is here: Xexun gps tracker setup with traccar

Thanks again!

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Nice article. Chinese devices always lack good documentation, so it's good to have tutorials like this.

As for issue with MySQL database, this is the first time I hear about "invisible" accounts problem. Please provide more details if you think it's a genuine server problem.