Terse event names

Leif Neland7 years ago

The event names should be shorter
Due to limited with it is often not possible to see the entire text.
So it is fairly useless when the entire text visible is "Device has entered ge..."

All events are related to devices, so the text "Device has " or "Device is " is superfluous.

I have modified the texts to
"eventDeviceOnline": "Online",
"eventDeviceUnknown": "Status is unknown",
"eventDeviceOffline": "Offline",
"eventDeviceMoving": "Moving",
"eventDeviceStopped": "Stopped",
"eventDeviceOverspeed": "Speed exceeded",
"eventDeviceFuelDrop": "Fuel drop event",
"eventCommandResult": "Command result",
"eventGeofenceEnter": "-[>]",
"eventGeofenceExit": "[-]>",

in /traccar/web/l10n/en.json

Now in the event log and popup I see

John Doe | -[>] "Red square" | 10m ago
John Doe | [-]> "Red square" | 1m ago

instead of
John Doe | Device has ente...| 10m ago

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Feel free to send a pull request.