Terminal GalileoSKy 7x - error - Unknown tag: 0xfe

quadband 2 years ago


Terminal: GalileoSKy 7x
incoming protocol & port: GalileoSky galileo 5034

when connecting the terminal, we get the following error:

2022-11-18 03:28:29  INFO: [T350e7319: galileo < xxx.251.201.101] 011080033836313933373036303734343933367408
2022-11-18 03:28:29  INFO: [T350e7319: galileo > xxx.251.201.101] 027408
2022-11-18 03:29:01  INFO: [T350e7319: galileo < xxx.251.201.101] 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
2022-11-18 03:29:01  INFO: [T350e7319] error - Unknown tag: 0xfe - IllegalArgumentException (GalileoProtocolDecoder:96 < *:222 < *:130 < *:329 < *:238 < ExtendedObjectDecoder:72 < ... < WrapperContext:102 < ...)
2022-11-18 03:29:01  INFO: [T350e7319] disconnected

Please, tell me what is the reason?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Unknown tag is the reason. Do you have protocol documentation?

quadband 2 years ago

I act as an end user, unfortunately I do not have documentation on the protocol.
found only this guide http://base.galileosky.com/articles/#!docs-publication/galileosky-7x-user-manual

correctly I understand that the current protocol is not supported by the traccar server?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

The protocol is supported, but some new parameters are not.

quadband 2 years ago

0xFE Tag showing the presence of extended tags
Extended tags are sent as tag data 0xFE

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Unfortunately the link doesn't provide any details on how to decode it or how to determine the length.

quadband 2 years ago

Good afternoon, the support engineer recommends that you apply for information on the protocol at the following address:

where the protocol and its specification are described

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Have you done that?

quadband 2 years ago

I'm not sure if there is enough information on the given page for the manufacturer's protocol to work and
your protocol for processing. as I understand it, this information is not enough for you to adapt to your implementation and support of equipment with this protocol?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Correct, as I said previously it doesn't have enough details about the extended tag.

quadband 2 years ago

the manufacturer is ready to get involved in solving this problem in the new year. I hope they are interested in their devices being distributed in alternative software products.

Mohamed2 years ago


I contact the GalileoSKy 7x manufacture regarding to 0xFE and they mentioned to this link -> Packet protocol tags

Description text


Anton Tananaev2 years ago

It still doesn't explain how to determine the length for the whole field. How do we know when it ends?

quadband 5 months ago

Anton, maybe the following protocol description will help to solve the problem with the tag length

Packet length is calculated from the head tag to checksum beginning. Tags are in ascending order. The data and the checksum are transferred in little-endian format (lower bytes are the first). The checksum is calculated for the whole packet including the header, length field and indicator of unsent data. The checksum is calculated by CRC-16 Modbus algorithm.


quadband 5 months ago

0xFE | Extended tags | Length is determined by the content of the tag

September 17, 2020 Description of extended tags is added

This link leads to a description of the extended tags: