I followed the guide found here on the forum to use Telegram for notifications. All went well until I added
<entry key='notificator.telegram.key'>xxxxxxx</entry key>
<entry key='notificator.telegram.chatId'>xxxxxxxxx</entry key>
After that the traccar server does not start. If I take them away its no problem to start the server
What van be wrong
Anders Yuran
That's an invalid XML. Why is there a key in the closing tag?
Sometimes I am blind.
Thanks Anton
Anders Yuran - Como vocĂȘ resolveu o problema do telegram?
No I gave up. Has tried all java versions available but no luck. Will wait and see if someone came up with a solution
I have it working now. As said a java version problem
I followed the guide found here on the forum to use Telegram for notifications. All went well until I added
<entry key='notificator.telegram.key'>xxxxxxx</entry key> <entry key='notificator.telegram.chatId'>xxxxxxxxx</entry key>
After that the traccar server does not start. If I take them away its no problem to start the server
What van be wrong
Anders Yuran