Telegram Notification ... Chat ID = Per Device ?

Rodney Yeoa month ago

Telegram Configuration.

Chat id can also be configured per user. See user attributes in settings.

Question ... Is there an attribute for Telegram Notification Chat Id to be configured as Per Device?

Anton Tananaeva month ago


Rodney Yeoa month ago

Ok. Noted. Thanks. Would be nice if have such device support in future.

Rodney Yeoa month ago

Currently I am using 3 units of Raspberry Pi TracCar server master clone image of a single Admin Profile with set 3 different Telegram Chat ID to the respective 3 server associate to 3 devices for my custom Telegram Notification requirements together with Forward Server attributes in TracCar.xml file.

Rodney Yeoa month ago

My 3 tier TracCar Raspberry Pi Telegram Notification setup of a single Admin profile with 3 Devices custom device notification via 3 Telegram Chat ID and 1 Bot Token Key. With MikroTik Router on my Home LAN network. And DDNS service for the tracker server domain name.


Anton Tananaeva month ago

Why do you need 3 Traccar instances?

Rodney Yeoa month ago

All 3 Traccar instance is using a single Admin profile for ease of all device viewing total is 10 devices registered and Server.Forward attribute is use to pass the live tracking data from first server to second sever and third server.

And each instance is configured with separate Telegram Chat ID which Tracker Device is associated to Telegram Chat Group where members reside.

Each Device is configured with custom Notification like GeoFence in / out, car moving / stop, Ignition on / off respectively.

Reason for this is to allow various members to enable them to mute the Telegram Chat Group notification if needed.

And by grouping the Device to Telegram group which makes it easier for members to monitor their intended vehicle notification status.

Rodney Yeoa month ago

The method I used will create a logical per device notification with it's own tracker device to it's own Telegram Chat ID which enable Tekegram group members seeing only their intended device group which enable them to mute Telegram notification. I believe this features is ideal for per device setup configuration a features which traccar could have in future release.

Rodney Yeoa month ago

This is one of the car Device Tracker Telegram Notification Group with three members and one Telegram Bot user.


Anton Tananaeva month ago

If we already have an option per user, I don't understand your setup. You just just create 3 users instead of 3 separate servers.

Rodney Yeoa month ago

Yes, I tried that peruser option but it is inconvenient for my use case situation.

In the already available peruser features it is good when peruser can manage their own devices which other users do not see.

In my case let's say I am the fleet manager who wants visibility of all my devices but only wants certain groups of members to receive their assign vehicle device to receive notification at that job schedule assignment duration.

It is much transparent to manage the devices and per device notification this way via single profile view

Where I need a single user admin with 10 device of my own but wants to have 3 devices monitored with notification by 3 groups of members.

Anton Tananaeva month ago

It still doesn't explain why per user setup doesn't work.

Rodney Yeoa month ago

Per user account associated to users devices does work well for regular subscription base customer use case in normal situation.

Rodney Yeoa month ago

Per device works wonderfully for a fleet manager role as single user. To manage multiple devices associated to designated user groups in Telegram Notification.

Since fleet manager need visibility of all his device notification mangenent by groups.

Anton Tananaeva month ago

Alright I'm giving up here. My question is how setting up 3 servers better than just having 3 users. You don't seem to have a clear explanation to that. I'm not asking about per-device configuration. That part is already clear.