Telegram Bot

argaar5 years ago

Hi all, and hi Anton.

Traccar is very a great product and I use it with some devices I own in order to get info about them and avoid that someone stoles my car/bike/etc (again :( )

What I've noted is the lack of a proper Telegram support, I'm a very fan of the platform and found it works very well.
When I've deployed Traccar for my purposes I've also applyed the changes in PR 4309 in order to have the server notify me and other users (over Telegram) when something happens.

Now, I've released a Telegram Bot that I've written in order to do some common useful jobs, like retrieve the last position of one device, create geofences and send commands

I know that the Traccar Manager app could do the same things (I also use it) and many more, it's just another way to do things, and maybe someone would find it better to achieve the same result in a different way.

This wants to be my contribute in order to improve the project (I don't know Java); if you (Anton) or someone else wants more info feel free to reach me throught the forum PM or on GitLab

The bot is here

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Looks cool, thanks for sharing.

Жуда И.М.5 years ago

Добрый день.
Вы можете помочь настроить уведомления в Telegram?
Я не специалист и самостоятельно этого сделать не могу.

С Уважением, Игорь

Viktor5 years ago

попробуйте отписаться на почту, если будет время, поковыряем ))
прошел два раза путь неотсылания в телегу )