Taccar on web server

lgdelai7 years ago

Why not send trace data via json or another method. This would allow you to modify the "traccar" installation to work on a shared web server. Increasing the user base of the system. I see in it the great limitation of "traccar".

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

What are you talking about?

lgdelai7 years ago

on this post https://www.traccar.org/forums/topic/is-a-dedicated-server-required/
you say "Traccar needs to use raw TCP and UDP ports".
My question is, why not use another method?
For example, "json" as I understand it, the only reason you can not use tracar on a shared server is because the tracar uses tcp upd, so why not use another method?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I think you are misunderstanding something. Traccar supports more than 150 communications protocols. Some of them are HTTP-based with JSON payload, so what you are asking is already supported.

lgdelai7 years ago

Okay, so why can not I install on a shared server?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Because all non-HTTP protocols require raw port access.

lgdelai7 years ago

Now I understand,

But have you ever thought about launching a version that works on shared hosting to fit the devices that use http?

This would vastly reduce the cost of hosting by infinitely increasing the amount of users of the traccar.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Infinitely? Do you have some statistics to back it up?

I have thought about it, but don't really see much value in it. It will only be useful for very limited range of devices. Also, hosting cost shouldn't be much different between shared hosting and VPS because you still going to use same amount of resources.

lgdelai7 years ago

Anton, just think about it ...

To get an idea, here in Brazil. The hostgator charges $ 453 for 3 years of shared hosting.
A VPS cost $ 3,210 for 3 years.
Can you understand now? the difference is very high. maybe where you live the values are different, but here in Brazil and in several other countries a vps is very expensive. In addition, of course, it is much more complex to operate.

I use a digital signaling system where several android devices connect constantly with the system, sending and receiving data via http, in the same way that a gps works.
This system is migrating to Docker, but they have not abandoned the web platform, precisely to meet all the needs.

I for years, would like to use the system, but I never managed because of the limitations imposed by shared hosting.

How about putting this issue on the agenda? I'm sure you will have positive feedbacks.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You are throwing numbers without providing any resources comparison. There are good VPS providers out there where you can get server for $5 per month and even lower.

You are welcome to submit a feature request on GitHub if you want. We'll see the feedback.

lgdelai7 years ago

R$453 for 3 years of shared hosting.
100GB HD,

R$3,210 for 3 years of VPS.
60GB HD,

Please, telme de github oficial link.

If you can tell me trusted vps providers that quoted I'm grateful.

Thanks for your time.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You can find link if you click "source code" in the menu.

lgdelai7 years ago

Ok, Thank again. good night.

Veerendra7 years ago
lgdelai7 years ago

Thanks verenda