Do you have the protocol documentation for it?
Will ask on Thursday when I see that client. They bought it with service and dedicated website and it turned out the service was really bad (I.e. unsatisfying low frequency of sending data)
If there’s no documentation on protocols, is it possible to somehow connect and try and identify ? The protocol identify article mentions to configure device to send hex or other data to server but how to actually configure the device?
Device configuration instructions is something you should get from the vendor. Usually it's covered in the user manual.
Ok got my hands on that device and - it turned out that early versions at least of it are in fact Teltonika fmb120 so basically supported already :)
My client ended a contract with a system provider and got left with this device.
Is there anybody that had experience in this device or is there a way we could see if this could send data to Traccar?