Stop creating table when start traccar server

ak20158 years ago

Hi, When i start tracker server, it automatically creates tables, how can i stop this.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Remove "database.changelog" from the config.

ak20158 years ago

There is a not any database.changelog tag in traccar.xml.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

What version are you using?

ak20158 years ago

Hi Anton, thnks for reply.
I am using 3.4

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Version 3.4 should have the parameter. If it doesn't, it means you changed the config from the original one.

ak20158 years ago

Hi Anton,
One more thing, I am creating some custom solution,removed all the table and have only one position table.So can server work only with position table ? or have to use user and device table both.
Is there any condition which check that if device is exist or not then insert in position table.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

As a minimum you need to have table with devices and a table with positions. Format of those tables doesn't matter that much. You can always put queries in the config.