ST901 Position Intervall

quintia year ago

Hi there,
ive connected an ST901l to my traccar server 5.12.
Everything works fine.
I have a question about send intervall/position update.
Ive set the send intervall to
8090000 600
8050000 30
I ve expected to see position updates in traccar in those intervals but i can see positions every few seconds.
Question: does the ST901 send multiple positions in the given intervall or did i made a mistake in the intervall settings? The log shows only the times of the postions, not the send time
thanx in advance!

agroplexa year ago

Hello, I have some problems with the same device. It's filling my server with garbage. And something got better when I used the command: SLEEPCCCC 6.
This activates sleep mode. The second parameter is the time in minutes it takes for the tracker to sleep. Don't use less than 5 minutes because I read that it doesn't working.