ST-901 doesnt accept URL

markus9 months ago

Hey folks,

i have an SinoTrack ST-901 4G. It works fine with Traccar when configured with an ip adress.
Since I have CGNAT, the ip switches daily and i want to configure it with an URL.
To do so, i type following message: 804<pin> <port>
I dont get any answer on this. If i change the domain to the current ip, I get an reply (SET OK).
If i type the URL:Port in chrome, I can see i in the Traccar logs, that there is a new device.
Anyone knows how to configure the ST-901 to an URL?


Anton Tananaev9 months ago

It's possible your device doesn't support domains.

markus9 months ago

Hey, you've been absolutely right. Seller said it would support domains, but it didn't. Thanks a lot!

Rodney Yeo7 months ago

All SinoTrack Device does not support server : domain name : port as I have tested using 804 command. The SinoTrack sales personnel said there is another secret command which 8?? supports server domain name port but ... I have to place a purchase order for 100 units of their tracker only then they will let me know the secret code? So any hackers out there having the knowledge to hack into SinoTrack hardware to find out what is the secret code?