Speed Limit related errors in logs

sdntech3 months ago

I have the speed limit enabled in the config and have enabled the same under the devices attribute. I can receive notifications as well, but when scrolling through the Traccar logs, I see they are filled with the following message -

WARN: Speed limit provider failed - URI is not absolute - IllegalArgumentException (...)

Can someone help me interpret the error and fix it. TIA!

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

What exactly do you have in the config file?

sdntech3 months ago

Other than regular database entries just one line for speedLimit.

<entry key='speedLimit.enable'>true</entry
Anton Tananaev3 months ago

Are you sure you have read the documentation? This enables the speed limit API, but if you don't have any other parameters, like URL, it makes your configuration invalid. Which explains why you're getting an error.

sdntech3 months ago

okay, my bad, so server config is not needed to setup SpeedExceeded notifications. It can be just done on the device attribute. I will go ahead and remove that line of config from XML file now.

Thanks, Anton.