Some help

Shane Rittman8 years ago

Do you support the Aoya A-T6 OBD tracking system that plugs into the vehicles OBD port I cannot find it, but I dont know how it would be written down on the device list.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I would need to see protocol documentation or at least some message samples to check if it's supported.

Shane Rittman8 years ago

its also known as a T6 made by shenzen electronics, AoYa T6 GPS tracker
Description2016 upgrade mini personal OBD2 GPS Tracker vehicle tracking device obd off oil engine or it is also called the A6.
Sms C is position inquiry command
Alarrm status is almsw
enable disable calling alarm is DH, N1
hope that helps

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

No, unfortunately it doesn't.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Looks like Aoya A-T6 OBD tracker uses UPRO protocol, so it should work on port 5095.