some clients stop reporting

mwpclark7 years ago

Hello, this may be covered in other postings, I did not find the exact issue.

Some android clients are stopping reporting apparently at random. All android clients have battery optimization exceptions set.

I have cured it in some cases by uninstalling and reinstalling client, which generates another ID to edit on the server. In other cases I have used android app manager to clear cache, but I am not 100% sure this works and have not recorded results. I assume that if I clear all memory as well as cache, it would remove the connection data.

Rebooting the device and force stopping the client then restarting seem to have no effect.

Obviously clients stop reporting if outside cell service area, but they should begin again on schedule. I have seen in some cases a list of server connections appearing a few seconds apart when the device has re-entered cell service area.

This issue is that an occasional client just stops reporting.

Other than this, the system is working GREAT. I implemented MySQL and now incorporate results into our management programming.


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

There must be some serious issue if it doesn't report data even if you switch it off and on again. What do you see on the status screen?

OverkillTASF7 years ago

In my case, when I see this, it just says Service Started.... Network online... never says updated location. Never a failure. Even if I get a GPS fix in another app and have frequency at 1. Have cleared data, uninstalled/reinstalled. Most recent Google Play Store version. Other clients fine, but this one just stopped 30 days ago.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Is accuracy set to high?

OverkillTASF7 years ago

It might have been, but after a reinstall I kept the defaults except for the ID, server address, and distance, so it happens on Medium too.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Medium accuracy doesn't use GPS, so no wonder it doesn't work.

OverkillTASF7 years ago

Sorry, when I said GPS fix I meant a location fix. I'm not sure which provider Google Maps was using at the time, but I know that this is in a home that is well-located by google location services (other phones, including a same model phone, submit Medium from there just fine) and due to the number of windows you often can get an actual GPS fix.

The phone hasn't submitted a location through Traccar in 32 days. It has definitely been in and out of the house, network fix and GPS fix, used for Navigation, since that time. It worked... And then it stopped.

I checked that all the usual providers were enabled, battery optimization was disabled for Traccar (though it shouldn't matter while you're actually in it, right?), and as mentioned uninstalled and reinstalled.

It was a Galaxy S9 running Oreo I think.

Does Medium accuracy not even use GPS passively, like if another app is actively using it?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

It doesn't use GPS in medium mode. It uses network location provider.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

GPS doesn't work indoors by the way, so Google Maps is probably not using GPS either.