Which template are you modifying?
I am doing my test with sms template deviceonline.vm.
I keep it as it is and i am adding what i showed.$device.name online at $dateTool.format("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", $event.serverTime, $locale, $timezone) https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=$position.latitude,$position.longitude
This is how it looks like now
Device online doesn't have position
object, so what you want to do will never work.
Aha...Should i try with geofence?
I used device online because it's easier to make gps send sms this way...so i can test it.
I think you should be able to use it with most other events.
I will give it a try and let you know. Thank you.
Was this ever successful?
Hi. Is there a reason why Device online doesn't have position object, it seems logical to include it.
It doesn't have position because it's not related to position. There are cases when there is no position, but device is still online. There are also cases where there are several positions reported at the same time.
Cant we add position in sms notifictaion beacuse they are mnadatory in most of the GPS services
You can for most events.
can i have the document link which refers to the variables for notifications
We don't have such document. You'll have to look at the source code if you want more details.
I am trying to configure SMS to have a clickable google maps link.
I use as a base
format...I change [ ] with () or empty...I always get this SMS as text like
.I also tried
which i saw in a topic for email template but same result.I checked log and position lat&lon are received ok. For some reason $position.latitude is translated as text.
Is there a way to make it work or i am trying in vain?