I'm using traccar + opensmppbox + kannel.
For 3 months the solution worked... now I get this error when trying to send SMS:
Traccar web interface:
Submit SM failed - IllegalStateException (SmppClient:247 < NotificatorSms:55 < NotificationResource:63 < ...)
Traccar log:
2020-04-29 13:27:30 TRACE: channelRead PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 17, cap: 1024)
2020-04-29 13:27:30 DEBUG: Decoded PDU: (submit_sm_resp: 0x00000011 0x80000004 0x00000045 0x00000002 result: "Submit SM failed") (body: (messageId [])) (opts: )
2020-04-29 13:27:30 TRACE: Found a future in the window for seqNum [2]
2020-04-29 13:27:30 TRACE: Caller waiting for request: (submit_sm: 0x00000044 0x00000004 0x00000000 0x00000002) (body: (serviceType [] sourceAddr [0x05 0x00 [+123456789]] destAddr [0x01 0x01 [+40712345678]] esmCls [0x00] regDlvry [0x00] dcs [0x00] message [54657374206D6573736167650A])) (opts: )
2020-04-29 13:27:30 TRACE: channelReadComplete
2020-04-29 13:27:30 DEBUG: Starting mapping of the exception. - java.lang.IllegalStateException: Submit SM failed - MappableException (...)
2020-04-29 13:27:30 DEBUG: Exception 'Submit SM failed' has been mapped by 'org.traccar.api.ResourceErrorHandler' to response 'Bad Request' (400:CLIENT_ERROR).
2020-04-29 13:19:14 [27778] [6] DEBUG: SMPP[traccar]: Got PDU:
2020-04-29 13:19:14 [27778] [6] DEBUG: SMPP PDU 0x7f6108000d60 dump:
2020-04-29 13:19:14 [27778] [6] DEBUG: type_name: enquire_link
2020-04-29 13:19:14 [27778] [6] DEBUG: command_id: 21 = 0x00000015
2020-04-29 13:19:14 [27778] [6] DEBUG: command_status: 0 = 0x00000000
2020-04-29 13:19:14 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sequence_number: 6 = 0x00000006
2020-04-29 13:19:14 [27778] [6] DEBUG: SMPP PDU dump ends.
2020-04-29 13:19:14 [27778] [6] DEBUG: SMPP[traccar]: Sending PDU:
2020-04-29 13:19:14 [27778] [6] DEBUG: SMPP PDU 0x7f6108001090 dump:
2020-04-29 13:19:14 [27778] [6] DEBUG: type_name: enquire_link_resp
2020-04-29 13:19:14 [27778] [6] DEBUG: command_id: 2147483669 = 0x80000015
2020-04-29 13:19:14 [27778] [6] DEBUG: command_status: 0 = 0x00000000
2020-04-29 13:19:14 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sequence_number: 6 = 0x00000006
2020-04-29 13:19:14 [27778] [6] DEBUG: SMPP PDU dump ends.
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: SMPP[traccar]: Got PDU:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: SMPP PDU 0x7f6108000d60 dump:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: type_name: submit_sm
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: command_id: 4 = 0x00000004
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: command_status: 0 = 0x00000000
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sequence_number: 7 = 0x00000007
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: service_type: NULL
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: source_addr_ton: 5 = 0x00000005
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: source_addr_npi: 0 = 0x00000000
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: source_addr: "+123456789"
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: dest_addr_ton: 1 = 0x00000001
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: dest_addr_npi: 1 = 0x00000001
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: destination_addr: "+40712345678"
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: esm_class: 0 = 0x00000000
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: protocol_id: 0 = 0x00000000
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: priority_flag: 0 = 0x00000000
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: schedule_delivery_time: NULL
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: validity_period: NULL
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: registered_delivery: 0 = 0x00000000
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: replace_if_present_flag: 0 = 0x00000000
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: data_coding: 0 = 0x00000000
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sm_default_msg_id: 0 = 0x00000000
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sm_length: 13 = 0x0000000d
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: short_message: "Test message\n"
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: SMPP PDU dump ends.
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: routed msg '+40712345678' to smsc 'gingishan'
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: Msg object at 0x7f6108001200:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: type: sms
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.sender:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x7f6108000fd0:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: len: 10
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: size: 11
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: immutable: 0
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: data: 2b 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 +123456789
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.receiver:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x7f6108001000:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: len: 12
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: size: 13
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: immutable: 0
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: data: 2b 34 30 37 32 33 35 33 33 31 31 33 +40712345678
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.udhdata:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.msgdata:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x7f61080010b0:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: len: 13
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: size: 14
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: immutable: 0
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: data: 54 65 73 74 20 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 0a Test message.
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.time: 1588155557
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.smsc_id:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x7f6108001100:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: len: 12
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: size: 13
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: immutable: 0
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: data: 67 61 62 69 63 61 6c 75 73 61 72 75 gingishan
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.smsc_number:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.foreign_id:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.service:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x7f6108001030:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: len: 7
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: size: 8
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: immutable: 0
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: data: 74 72 61 63 63 61 72 traccar
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.account:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.id: 218a8489-b6c5-4afb-b375-c93a9a03bcc8
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.sms_type: 2
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.mclass: -1
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.mwi: -1
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.coding: 0
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.compress: 0
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.validity: -1
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.deferred: -1
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.dlr_mask: 0
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.dlr_url:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.pid: 0
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.alt_dcs: 0
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.rpi: -1
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.charset:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.boxc_id:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x7f6108001150:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: len: 7
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: size: 8
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: immutable: 0
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: data: 74 72 61 63 63 61 72 traccar
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.binfo:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.msg_left: -1
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.split_parts: (nil)
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.priority: 0
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.resend_try: -1
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.resend_time: -1
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: sms.meta_data:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x7f6108001d60:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: len: 6
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: size: 1024
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: immutable: 0
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: data: 3f 73 6d 70 70 3f ?smpp?
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [6] DEBUG: Msg object ends.
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [5] DEBUG: SMPP[traccar]: Sending PDU:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [5] DEBUG: SMPP PDU 0x7f6108001410 dump:
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [5] DEBUG: type_name: submit_sm_resp
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [5] DEBUG: command_id: 2147483652 = 0x80000004
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [5] DEBUG: command_status: 69 = 0x00000045
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [5] DEBUG: sequence_number: 7 = 0x00000007
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [5] DEBUG: message_id: NULL
2020-04-29 13:19:17 [27778] [5] DEBUG: SMPP PDU dump ends.
<entry key='sms.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.host'></entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.port'>2345</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.username'>traccar</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.password'>********</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.systemType'>traccar</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.notificationsCharset'>GSM</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.notificationsDataCoding'>0</entry>
<entry key='sms.smpp.sourceAddress'>+123456789</entry>
Traccar seems to connect with user&pass to opensmppbox but can't see any error related to the problem...
Please advise.
There seem to be a problem also with the traccar server... 99% of events fail to trigger... no matter if the notification is web, email or SMS... can't find any problems in logs...
I'm using traccar + opensmppbox + kannel.
For 3 months the solution worked... now I get this error when trying to send SMS:
Traccar web interface:
Traccar log:
<entry key='sms.enable'>true</entry> <entry key='sms.smpp.host'></entry> <entry key='sms.smpp.port'>2345</entry> <entry key='sms.smpp.username'>traccar</entry> <entry key='sms.smpp.password'>********</entry> <entry key='sms.smpp.systemType'>traccar</entry> <entry key='sms.smpp.notificationsCharset'>GSM</entry> <entry key='sms.smpp.notificationsDataCoding'>0</entry> <entry key='sms.smpp.sourceAddress'>+123456789</entry>
Traccar seems to connect with user&pass to opensmppbox but can't see any error related to the problem...
Please advise.