What tab are you talking about?
Hi Anton,
In the devices panel under geofences.
You mean the geofence column in the devices table? It should show all the geofences that device is currently in.
Correct and it does show all geofences but with some differences on how it is listed. EG. I've created a geofence for a house in a city in a country.
2 devices in the same "house" geofence show as follows:
Device 1: House, City, Country
Device 2: Country, House, City
Currently there is no way to order it.
Thanks for the clarification Anton.
Hi Anton,
I've setup geofences and then have some smaller geofences within the larger geofence area. e.g a house in a city.
Under the geofence tab some devices will show the current geofence as house, city and then other devices show it as city, house.
Was there a specific way to name or setup geofences so the device will show the smaller geofence when it is in it. E.G house, city.