Sinotrack ST906L/4G sometimes doesn't show location

itsjuliuz8 months ago

I have a Sinotrack ST906L/4G installed in my vehicle. It seems to keep disconecting for no apparent reason. I bought it from Aliexpress back in March, installed it in April, worked for a few months without a single hiccup and about a month ago it just started not showing the live location, in the Sinotrack app/website it says "Link off x days", after 2-3-4-5-6 days it starts to show the location like nothing happened for a week or two and then the cycle repeats. If I send the "669xxxx" command it reports back with correct live location so the problem is definetly not the connection with car battery or SIM card or the connection strength to the cell towers. Any ideas?
Screenshot 2024-07-31 182420.png
Screenshot 2024-07-31 182517.png

Rodney Yeo7 months ago

I bought two units of Sinotrack ST906L/4G last month from Shopee or AliBaba direct from the factory.

And I notice the latest firmware has a 30 seconds device sleep timer at every interval it turn online and offline in every 30 seconds interval.

If you happens to send command at the offline interval you get no response from the tracker. Only online interval send command will reply with response.

And online period is where you get and update. You may want to send '"SLEEP 0" to disable offline at intervals. Then the tracker will stay online all the time.

But the 30 second interval sleep is hard coded in new firmware release and cannot be override.

So you can set 10 sec update to server instead. And nothing less that 10 seconds.