sinotrack st906L unstable

lucianostk2 years ago

conecta pela porta 5013, em 10 minutos status indefinido, comando de reinício volta a conectar online e desconecta em 10 minutos, alguém sabe o que pode ser?

RastreameMX2 years ago

We have some ST906 working with no issues by port 5013, so i think could be the version of your firmware. You can check version sending CXZT, device answers with SMS with location, and firmware version. CXZT is similar as RCONF, but gives one or two more parameters than RCONF.

You can look at mundogps dot org, they have much data about sinotrack devices, and other brands. They also have a post where are listed firmware versions that are useless or very buggy.

Good luck.

lucianostk2 years ago

Well answered, thank you for participating and for helping me personally.