Sinotrack ST-901 config issues

Djimi6 months ago

Need help! since i started updating the IP and PORT incorrectly (804XXX IP PORT), my ST901AL 4g started showing offline in the sinotrack app. Can't find a way to delete the IP/PORT. I can change it to 0 or anything else but it doesn't help to restore the LINK (online) in the app.

Is there a command to delete the IP/PORT (like deleting the control number using the D10X#)? Thanks!

MK6 months ago

According to the manual you need to send:

804XXXX 8090

Djimi6 months ago

It seems that our provider here in the Philippines are blocking off SMS messages links... Is there an SMS command to factory reset the SINOTRACK?

MK6 months ago

Factory reset is made by sending "RESET" but I'm not sure if tracking server is set after this command.

Does the device answer on RCONF command send by sms?

After sending RESET you should get "SET OK". Then send RCONF to get actual configuration.

SIM card in ST-901 has funds to sens SMS?

Yomason 5 months ago


How to put ST901M gps tracker on whatsgps plateforme. I have whatsgps account and i want to put this model of sinotracker gps on my whatsgps

David Dunnaway5 months ago

Hi Yomason,

It looks like that the platform you mentioned, is not supported for the ST901. Best way is to contact the supplier what config is need to be made to make it compatible. It looks better to add it to a Traccar Server/Platform, as that supports the device.

LITS3 months ago

Hello together,

i have problem with the sinotrack st901. I've configured it with the following parameters (xxxx stands for PW):

804xxxx IP.IP.IP.IP 5013 (Server IP and Port)
805xxxx 10 (Acc On 5 seconds)
809xxxx 180 (Acc Off 180 seconds)

now i have the following problem:

When the Acc turned on the tracker sends its positions as it should be every 10 seconds but additionaly it sends every 2 seconds an another dataset with an older timestamp and everytime the same data. here is an example (i changed tracker ID and location):

2024-11-08 13:07:01  INFO: [Td5ce349b: h02 < xx.xx.xx.xx] 2491710000000907100811244853023600010288450e000000fbfff5ff000000000000000001060152303d010d
2024-11-08 13:07:01  INFO: [Td5ce349b] id: 9171000000, time: 2024-11-08 10:07:10, lat: 40.00000, lon: 10.00000, course: 0.0

2024-11-08 13:07:03  INFO: [Td5ce349b: h02 < xx.xx.xx.xx] 2491710000001207210811244853028800010288640c000000fffff5ff000000690000000001060152303d010e
2024-11-08 13:07:03  INFO: [Td5ce349b] id: 9171000000, time: 2024-11-08 13:07:21, lat: 40.00001, lon: 10.00001, course: 0.0

2024-11-08 13:07:05  INFO: [Td5ce349b: h02 < xx.xx.xx.xx] 2491710000000907100811244853023600010288450e000000fbfff5ff000000000000000001060152303d010f
2024-11-08 13:07:05  INFO: [Td5ce349b] id: 9171000000, time: 2024-11-08 10:07:10, lat: 40.00000, lon: 10.00000, course: 0.0
2024-11-08 13:07:07  INFO: [Td5ce349b: h02 < xx.xx.xx.xx] 2491710000000907100811244853023600010288450e000000fbfff5ff000000000000000001060152303d0110
2024-11-08 13:07:07  INFO: [Td5ce349b] id: 9171000000, time: 2024-11-08 10:07:10, lat: 40.00000, lon: 10.00000, course: 0.0

The dataset with the timestamp 13:07:21 is a right one which comes every 10 seconds. But my problem are the other datasets with the timestamp 10:07:10.

I wrote this already to sinotrack and this was the reply:

reply from engineer : There is a color of data that represents the data transmitted in the blind area, which means that there will be a supplementary point. If you respond, the device will not continue to transmit. The purpose of adding points is to make the data location more accurate and the route trajectory better.

As i understand the tracker is waiting for a response of the server, but does traccar server responses?

The main problem I have here is that my database is growing extremely quickly. I have 70 of these trackers that are causing the traccar server to crash.

I hope someone can help me with this fault.

Thanks in advance

regards Daniel

MK3 months ago

I solved this problem by modifying the sources and recompiling traccar.

More info here:

LITS3 months ago

Ok i have traccar Ver 6.4 Is this already compiled in this version?

if not - maybe you can write me a litte How To?

Thanks in advance

MK3 months ago

I've used this howto:

If you want recompile version 6.4 you should use propper git checkout after clone, I think it should be git checkout v6.4, and than modify sources and compile.

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

It would be good if you can contribute back.

LITS3 months ago

Thank you very much for your help. I have now tested it and replaced the tracker-server.jar and the jars in the lib folder after compiling. i also changed the config xml.

The log now looks a little different and shorter but unfortunately the positions of the vehicles aren't working. The vehicles on the map doesn't move. It seems like the server hangs.

for me this is a really big problem - i have 80 of this trackers and i can not send it back to Sinotrack -> but surely i will never buy these trackers anymore..

i hope someone of the PROs here can help me with this modest situation

Thanks in advance

MK3 months ago


I've read your posts again, and I'm not sure if your problem is the same as mine.

If you take a look on my fragment of logs: you will see that I had text message every 180 seconds, and binary message every 2 seconds. All my binary messages had an invalid timestamps, so I made a traccar source modification to ignore all binary messages.

My logs changed this way, that binary messages weren't decoded, only the text ones are decoded (and I guess: the were not saved in database). However, all messages are still received by traccar.

In your fragment of logs all messages are binary messages. Some of them with valid timestapmp, and the rest with invalid one. So if you does not have the text messages than my modification is useless for you.

If I could, I would like to ask a few questions:

  • What type of database backend uses your traccar instance?
  • Do you have logging enabled during normal operation?


Manfred2 months ago

Hi all,
same problem here. My Sinotrack ST-901L 4G is sending data every 2 seconds and drains my SIM-card. Did anybody successfully stop the tracker from doing this?
Making Traccar ignoring the binary data unfortunately does not solve the data usage problem.
Thank you in advance!

David Dunnaway2 months ago

Hi Manfred,

You can set the interval for uploading/sending data via a sms to the simcard.

There are 2 intervals, when at 'standby' and when voltage is applied on the ACC cable.
8050000 60 to set the interval when ACC is on to each 60 seconds
8090000 300 to set interval when ACC is off to 300 seconds

Also there is a 'shock' detection, each time it senses a vibration, it sends a signal, check the manual for that command is i can't find it directly at the moment.