Show location history on the map

M3 years ago

Hi everyone,

I am aware of the reports sections where one can get a list of the recent locations for a given tracker, however, is it possible to show these locations (the history of locations) on the map instead of as a list?

I've looked around the forum and in the documentation but have not found anything apart from this post where the instructions are not outlined:

Kind thanks,


Anton Tananaev3 years ago

It is available in the legacy app. And it will be available in the next release. It's already implemented on master.

M3 years ago

Anton, you are literally the fastest responder I have ever seen for any project. I spoke to you via email yesterday as well regarding Freematics :)

Huge kudos to you, sir.



Clyde3 years ago

It is available in the legacy app.

How do you get to the legacy app?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Click the button in the top right corner of the login screen.

macks5 months ago

If anyone else ends up here for the same question.
It took me some looking around even though it right there in front of you.

Login - Reports - Replay.

I know it is obvious, and it is where it should be. But I really had to search to find it