I really struggled while configuring this tracker using the commands present in the manual. Not only it explained just few commands, but many of them were wrong, like the one to set the ip address, where it specifies to put a space between the ip and the port while instead it should have been a colon. The one i could find on the internet also specified a space, so i was really thinking that something was wrong with my tracker.
I asked YunTrack to provide me the full command list and they did, so props for that. As expected many commands in the manual that comes with the tracker are wrong. The ones provided by YunTrack seems to work just fine.
Very nice tracker i must say. Small and in the shape of an automotive relay.

Hi, I want to program my yuntrack CJ730 Plus 4G using arduino with usb host shield. Anyone can help me? I want to modify the sms request and response
I really struggled while configuring this tracker using the commands present in the manual. Not only it explained just few commands, but many of them were wrong, like the one to set the ip address, where it specifies to put a space between the ip and the port while instead it should have been a colon. The one i could find on the internet also specified a space, so i was really thinking that something was wrong with my tracker.

I asked YunTrack to provide me the full command list and they did, so props for that. As expected many commands in the manual that comes with the tracker are wrong. The ones provided by YunTrack seems to work just fine.
Very nice tracker i must say. Small and in the shape of an automotive relay.