setup tracker-server-2.11

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Please write your question in details in proper English. I have no idea what you want.

Salman Raza8 years ago

How to configure and run traccar server 2.12 in my website

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Repeating yourself won't help because your question does not make sense. You can't "run" Traccar in website. You can potentially embed Traccar web interface into your website, but I'm not sure if that's what you are asking because your terminology is not correct.

Salman Raza8 years ago

I want to configure 2.11 coz it supports on web

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I suggest you find someone who knows English to explain what you want. Your statements and questions make no sense to me.

Salman Raza8 years ago

Sir can I use traccar server 2.11 in web or not???

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

All versions of Traccar include web interface, so obviously you can use on web.

Salman Raza8 years ago

I build my project in php and mysql and now I want to use traccar server 2.11 coz I think it's support in web

Salman Raza8 years ago

But how to use sir

Salman Raza8 years ago

How to run in my local server?

Salman Raza8 years ago

Sir how to configure traccar server in my web site???

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

As I said already, your question makes no sense. If you keep repeating yourself, I won't reply anymore. Please find someone who can explain what you want in proper English in proper technical terms. You clearly lack that ability.