Setting up a minifinder

magnooz8 years ago


I trying to setup a Minifinder Atto to work with Traccar, but I'm not sure how to set the IP and port. The device itself has no buttons or anything, there's only SMS commands and a USB port. The manual has no information on how to set the tracking IP and port.

Anyone can shed some light on this?

BR Magnus

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Usually you configure it with SMS commands. You should probably ask device vendor to provide those commands, if it's even possible to configure IP for your particular device.

magnooz8 years ago


Thanks for the quick reply; I realize it's device-specific behaviour, that's why I was hoping to find someone who owns the minifinder. Since the device is supported (both Minifinder Atto & Minifinder Pico) by Traccar, I assume it has been tested by someone. So the question is, how was it tested? I know the Minifinder protocol is open, so you could implement it without testing, but I'm still hoping someone has real-life experience with it?

magnooz8 years ago

Hi again,

I've found a solution and I'll post it here in case someone runs into the same issue.

The commands SMS-command to set IP+port is "IP1,<ip>,<port>". Example: IP1,,5062

I also had to enable the Tracking Interval to make it send periodically, using SMS command "TI60S" (60S means send every 60 seconds).

I found these commands in the Minifinder Pico manual (, but it turns out they also apply for the Minifinder Atto.

Toni Hälikkä3 years ago

I know this is an old post but has anyone tested the Minifinder Pico 4G (the latest version of Pico)?
And does IP setting in Pico support DNS names like for example "" or is that APN provider specific issue?