Setting device attribute

Sifumwike2 years ago


Hope everyone is fine.

Is it possible to set device attribute Speed limit on Traccar via APIs ?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Yes. If something is possible to do via the web app, it's possible to do via the APIs. The official app uses exactly the same APIs.

Sifumwike2 years ago


Seen the APIs but I can only control computed attributes.

Or it's not present on Traccar API documentation? If present, which endpoint do I use from the Traccar API documentation?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

I would recommend checking the API requests the official app sends.

Sifumwike2 years ago

Okay, thank you.

Sifumwike2 years ago

By this you mean Traccar Client or Traccar Manager?

I tried looking through Traccar Manager but I have not seen any APIs.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

I mean the web app.

memesaregood2 years ago

FYI Traccar Manager uses the web app under the hood.