Server was automatic shut down.

Sumit6 years ago

Hi Anton,
My traccar server was automatically shut down. So I checked tracker-server.log file and wrapper.log file.
wrapper.log.20190527.1 file contains

INFO|16723/0|Service traccar|19-05-27 06:50:02|Missing wrapper ping within timeout of 30000
WARNING|16723/0|Service traccar|19-05-27 06:54:31|ping between java application and wrapper timed out. if this this is due to server overload consider increasing

And tracker-server.log.20190527 file contains

2019-05-27 07:01:49  INFO: Shutting down server...
2019-05-27 07:01:49  INFO: [99F299F6] disconnected
2019-05-27 07:01:49  INFO: [2A8F2A8B] disconnected
2019-05-27 07:01:49  INFO: [536E536B] disconnected
2019-05-27 07:01:49  INFO: [963A963F] disconnected
Anton Tananaev6 years ago

I would recommend upgrading to the latest version.

Sumit6 years ago

Thanks Anton.