server time & device time difference

Hi Anton,

First of all, thank you for such an excellent contribution as Traccar. I am undertaking an important integration project with my applications.
With respect to the issue of delays in time, I have the same problem reported by the other users, I attach the detail of logs:

Time zone enabled on device is -5 (Ecuador)

SMS Command sent to device:


SMS Command received from device:,W78.478752

Traccar's log

2018-07-15 14:12:34 DEBUG: [C38DC4EB: 5013 <] HEX: 2a48512c3836353230353033313131323033392c56312c3134313233322c412c303030382e32333437312c532c30373832382e37323531302c572c302e30302c302c3135303731382c4646464646424646230d0a
2018-07-15 14:12:34  INFO: [C38DC4EB] id: 865205031112039, time: 2018-07-15 09:12:32, lat: -0.13725, lon: -78.47875, course: 0.0

I will appreciate your help.

Best reggards

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Traccar expects UTC time from devices, not local one.

Ok, I will change that on devices, but when users request position directly by sending SMS will cuase confution for not real date and time.

Thank you very much.