We are using traccar to localhost connection and getting traccar devices data. but when our device is parked in a basement garage it's not sending any data to our server. But the same device (Teltonika FMB003) with same settings is sending data to other server (gps-server.net) with 0 speed. We are not getting the 0 speed in our system. also they have gpslev, gsmlev that i don't have from my device. how to set it in traccar? is there any settings or filters that is causing the issue?

We are using traccar to localhost connection and getting traccar devices data. but when our device is parked in a basement garage it's not sending any data to our server. But the same device (Teltonika FMB003) with same settings is sending data to other server (gps-server.net) with 0 speed. We are not getting the 0 speed in our system. also they have gpslev, gsmlev that i don't have from my device. how to set it in traccar? is there any settings or filters that is causing the issue?