Server Forward not updating data

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

I notice the "Server.Forward" option on my TracCar Server 1 ( via traccar.xml config file does not update my TracCar Server 2 ( until a reboot at Server 1 is initiated.

   <entry key='forward.enable'>true</entry>
   <entry key='server.forward'></entry>

Is this part of the feature design to work this way or is there is a time out interval for the server refresh data from the forwarded server?

Please advise? Thanks.

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

Data should be forwarded immediately. If it doesn't happen, there's probably some issues.

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

Both are on latest TracCar 6.5 version Server residing on two Raspberry Pi 3B+ units on Raspberry Pi OS (Bookworm) residing within the same subnet LAN IP range via WiFi connectivity.

Strangely update server forward only takes place after the first sever reboot which shows like sync only takes place during initialization period and not all the time. Nothing on the server logs which indicates the update failure.

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

I have re-done the Server.Forward option as for many times repeated test to confirm my findings that what you have mention is not correct as seen.

Server 1 traccar.xml config entry ...

   <entry key='forward.enable'>true</entry>
   <entry key='server.forward'></entry>

Server 1 ( had to be rebooted the last order for Server 2 ( to received the latest online updates status from Server 1 as confirmed in my live testing servers.

Thank you for your attention for possible bugs fixes in the future TracCar version release. Cheers!