Server doesn't update tracker id automatically

Chris100147 years ago


when I insert a new device with its id into the database the server doesn't write the positiondata into it. Only after restart of the traccar server all works fine. Could anyone give me a hint what I can do?
In the log files I see this error messages:

Traccar for iOS (unclear for me what this means)

2018-08-24 08:30:34  INFO: [3634D4C3] connected
2018-08-24 08:30:34 DEBUG: [3634D4C3: 5055 <] HEX: 16030100d8010000d40303b41f3d0dfe1cd99e93463a47e35d23c574a82acc18423dc39c1a485380ca499800002ec02cc02bc024c023c00ac009cca9c030c02fc028c027c014c013cca8c008c012009d009c003d003c0035002f000a0100007dff0100010000000014001200000f74726163656d79726163652e636f6d00170000000d0014001204030804040105030805050108060601020100050005010000000033740000001200000010001b001908737064792f332e3106737064792f3308687474702f312e31000b00020100000a000a0008001d001700180019
2018-08-24 08:30:34  WARN: [3634D4C3] error - invalid version format: ▒~Y▒~^▒~SF:G ̄]#▒~ETᄄ*▒~L^XB=▒~C▒~\^ZHS▒~@▒~JI▒~X^@^@.▒~@,▒~@+▒~@$▒~@#▒~@ - IllegalArgumentException (...)
2018-08-24 08:30:34  INFO: [3634D4C3] disconnected
2018-08-24 08:30:34  WARN: [3634D4C3] error - invalid version format: ▒~Y▒~^▒~SF:G ̄]#▒~ETᄄ*▒~L^XB=▒~C▒~\^ZHS▒~@▒~JI▒~X^@^@.▒~@,▒~@+▒~@$▒~@#▒~@ - IllegalArgumentException (... < MM
ainEventHandler:120 < *:109 < ... < GeocoderHandler:43 < ... < ExtendedObjectDecoder:52 < ...)
2018-08-24 08:30:35  INFO: [08F4D7D8] connected
2018-08-24 08:30:35 DEBUG: [08F4D7D8: 5055 <] HEX: 16030100a4010000a0030197eefbdf67f6f5c7ace54031a46b5c21dc7edc4b7677d3c2829ae658b6b4184f000012002f003300350039c009c00ac013c014560001000065ff0100010000000014001200000f74726163656d79726163652e636f6d0017000000050005010000000033740000001200000010001b001908737064792f332e3106737064792f3308687474702f312e31000b00020100000a000a0008001d001700180019
2018-08-24 08:30:35  WARN: [08F4D7D8] error - empty text - IllegalArgumentException (...)
2018-08-24 08:30:35  INFO: [08F4D7D8] disconnected
2018-08-24 08:30:35  WARN: [08F4D7D8] error - empty text - IllegalArgumentException (... < MainEventHandler:120 < *:109 < ... < GeocoderHandler:43 < ... < ExtendedObjectDecoder:52 < ...)
2018-08-24 08:31:08  INFO: [E0C14151] connected
2018-08-24 08:31:08 DEBUG: [E0C14151: 5055 <] HEX: 16030100d2010000ce03035f93b954829f95664c34168fdb4c14473246449381aa82cb7e5ab82cdf4433c8000028c02cc02bc024c023c00ac009cca9c030c02fc028c027c014c013cca8009d009c003d003c0035002f0100007dff0100010000000014001200000f74726163656d79726163652e636f6d00170000000d0014001204030804040105030805050108060601020100050005010000000033740000001200000010001b001908737064792f332e3106737064792f3308687474702f312e31000b00020100000a000a0008001d001700180019
2018-08-24 08:31:08  WARN: [E0C14151] error - empty text - IllegalArgumentException (...)
2018-08-24 08:31:08  INFO: [E0C14151] disconnected

TKStart LK109 (this the error messages are clear. After restart the server knows the device)

2018-08-18 21:13:18 DEBUG: [137A9BF5: 5013 <] HEX: 2a48512c343130363033393531372c56312c3136303130322c562c353030352e303137312c4e2c30303832352e393037382c452c3030302e30302c3030302c3135303831382c46464646464246462c3236322c30312c302c302c3423
2018-08-18 21:13:18  WARN: Unknown device - 4106039517 (
2018-08-18 21:13:18 DEBUG: [137A9BF5: 5013 <] HEX: 2a48512c343130363033393531372c23


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You need to use API instead of changing database directly. As for Traccar Client issue, it looks like you are using HTTPS instead of HTTP.

Chris100147 years ago

Thanks for your support. I understood that I can't insert devices diretly to my db. That's what I'm currently doing.
I'm a rookie to api technologies and I don't know how to use it. Do you know a page where I can find more detailed information and help how to implement it and doing the http calls?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

It's a pretty standard REST API. There is plenty of information online. You can also just check what official web app sends.

Chris100147 years ago

One more, hopefully not a stupid question. Which username and password must be used for the REST call? E-Mail address and password of a user with admin permission?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Any user that has access to the data that you want to change.