Send notification if car battery power < 11.2 volts

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

Is there a way to send notification if car battery power < 11.2 volts but on SeeWorld GT06 GPS the "Power" attributes seem to toggle active and inactive every 30 seconds with "BatteryLevel resulting in traccar computed attributes could recognize "power" attributes during the absence.

There seems to be an available Alarm: Low Power attribute at present at TracCar, but how low the car battery power voltage before this notification will trigger?

Alarm: Low Power (i.e. Car Battery)

if (power < 11.2){ "lowPower"; } else {null;}


power < 11.2 ? "lowPower" : null

Please advise. Thanks.

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

If the power attribute is not always present, you should check it first in your expression.

Existing alarms are coming directly from devices. We don't have any logic for it on the server side.